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Ronquières, Gent


+32 67 64 87 14


PFAS-Free Sterilizing-grade Gas Filter

PFAS-Free Sterilizing-grade Gas Filter

In recent years, the European Union has gradually issued restrictions on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to reduce their impact on the environment and human health.



PFAS are widely used in many industrial and consumer products due to their excellent properties, such as heat resistance and chemical corrosion resistance. However, these chemicals are difficult to degrade, have persistent pollution, and exhibit bioaccumulation, which has drawn increasing regulatory attention.

PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) and PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride), commonly used in filtration, are also types of PFAS. To comply with regulations and reduce environmental risks, the adoption of PFAS-free materials as alternative solutions has become a significant trend.

Notably, PES (Polyethersulfone) offers good chemical compatibility and excellent mechanical performance while being free of PFAS, making it an ideal choice for compliance and sustainable development.


Application Areas of Gas/Vent Filter Cartridges

  1. Sterilizing filtration applications for compressed air and oxygen
  2. Sterile gas inlets and outlets for fermentation tanks, liquid storage tanks, and mixing tanks
  3. Sterilizing filtration applications in single-use systems
  4. Sterilizing filtration applications for sterile filling gases

Cartridge Structure



Performance Comparison

This table shows that Polyethersulfone (PES) cartridges deliver airflow performance comparable to that of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) cartridges. In addition to their excellent steam resistance, these hydrophobic PES filters demonstrate gamma-ray resistance equivalent to that of hydrophobic PVDF filters, making them particularly suitable for applications in single-use systems. 


Application Areas of Gas/Vent Filter Cartridges

It is recommended that these PES membrane cartridges meet several standards and requirements:

  • Meets the "non-fiber releasing" filter standard defined in 21 CFR 210.3.
  • Insoluble particulate matter in filtrate complies with USP <788>.
  • Bacterial endotoxins comply with USP <85>.
  • Bacterial retention validation conforms to ASTM F838 standards.
  • Retention efficiency for Bacteriophage Phi-X174 (ATCC® 13706-B1) is >99.99999%.
  • All component materials comply with FDA indirect food additive requirements defined in 21 CFR Part 177–182.
  • Biocompatibility meets USP <87> and USP <88>.
  • All components of this product are made from non-animal derived materials.

We are specialists in industrial filtration. With the Pemflow Group, we intervene on the whole European territory with industrial customers.

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